At the moment our LeakSPY monitors more than 36 000 kilometers of pipelines of oil and petroleum, including the ESPO-1 project.

The primary purpose of Leak Detection System (LDS) is to assist Pipeline Controllers in detecting leaks. Leaks could be caused by natural factors or mechanical damage, but there are also other reasons such as accidents, terror, sabotage, or theft.
LeakSPY is able to detect leaks with flow rate less than 0.2 % of the pipeline flow rate. Location of the leakage is detected with accuracy less than 400 meters.
The system includes several methods of leak detection (mass balance method, head change method, wave pressure method, etc.) All data is processed using the mathematical model of oil/gas flow in pipelines.
In the central window LeakSPY displays the technological scheme of the monitored pipeline. The pipe color on the scheme varies depending on the current pipeline regime (transient, steady-state, stopped). Also on the scheme system displays state of valves, pumps, current values of technological parameters (pressure, flowrate, etc.) LeakSPY analyzes the quality of the data from control and measurement points (sensors). If readings from a sensor are invalid, LeakSPY rejects this sensor and displays that on the scheme.
Under the technological scheme is the application log. It chronologically displays a record of events occurring in the pipeline.
In case of detect leakage, light and sound alarm is trigerred and the location of the leak is highlighted on the scheme of the pipeline.
LeakSPY saves processed data in database, subsequently they can be played back in special operation mode of LeakSPY. Event log is also saved in database.
The system also allows to identify and monitor the current speed of sound in the pipeline.
The configuration of the system.
This complex includes a full database, which is filled with I/O servers. As a database can be a MS SQL or MySQL. I/O Server and database are installed on a single computer ("I/O Server (LDS)").
All calculations are performed on a separate computers, called the "LDS Application Servers."
All information is displayed on the client machines. As the client machines are used "office" computers equipped with sound system. The standard delivery includes three client licenses. Typically, a client machine is a manager and another - the security service and the third machine is designed for "Administrator of the LDS."