pipeline leak detection system LeakSPY


At the moment our LeakSPY monitors more than 36 000 kilometers of pipelines of oil and petroleum, including the ESPO-1 project.

LeakWave - leak detection system based on pressure surge method for crossing river parts of pipelines.

In addition to a global leak detection system, which is based on the process information obtained from SCADA, we offer the leak detection system LeakWAVE® that requires locally installed equipment and operate as a part of LeakSPY or as independent system.

DiSPY-ExpertA mathematical model-based system for online monitoring of the pipeline operation state.


The main functions:

* Pressure and Flow distribution calculation in the pipeline basing on the hydrodynamical mathematical model



cassandra“Cassandra” Mathematical Model


Cassandra is software for modeling hydrodynamic processes in complex branched pipeline systems.  

Training systems for pump station operator and pipeline dispatcher.

Safety of the pipeline operation depends not only on the equipment and the software, but also from correct actions of the personnel, is especial in critical situations. Therefore training of dispatchers and operators is very important element of increase of reliability and safety of technical systems.


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